
Average score 1257 Reviews
galia nina noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Alright (Original) Très bien

3 months ago
Coleen Kohr-auger noted on Google

(Translated by Google) It was a great time, quality dishes both for the buffet and for the conveyor belt! We have eaten well ! (Original) C’était un super moment, des plats de qualités tant pour le buffet que pour le tapis roulant ! Nous avons bien mangé !

3 months ago
Colette Dhos noted on Google

3 months ago
Patrice smart noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Nice ! The staff is attentive and helpful, the cuisine is decent: everyone can find dishes to their liking. As for the atmosphere, the small colorful dishes on a conveyor belt have their effect and give the meal a fun and joyful side. (Original) Sympa ! Le personnel est attentif et serviable, la cuisine correcte : chacun peut trouver des mets à son goût. Quant à l'ambiance, les petits plats colorés sur tapis roulant font leur effet et donne au repas un côté ludique et joyeux.

3 months ago
René Pierre Lespert noted on Google

4 months ago
Salomé Camur noted on Google

4 months ago
enjoy bou noted on Google

4 months ago
Helene Laffineur noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Fresh, quality products, we ate extremely well! It was even too much!! 🤣 Impeccable service, ultra-responsive servers. We had an excellent evening ! (Original) Produits frais, de qualité, nous avons extrêmement bien mangé ! C'était même trop !! 🤣 Service impeccable, serveurs ultra réactifs. Nous avons passé une excellente soirée !

4 months ago
remi deblois noted on Google

4 months ago
LAH noted on Google

4 months ago

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