
Average score 1257 Reviews
Constantin Spnl (Constantin) noted on Google

Client depuis plus d'un an , les nouilles sautées sont excellentes , le restaurant est très propre. (Translated by Google) Customer for over a year, the fried noodles are excellent, the restaurant is very clean.

1 month ago
Alexandre Debourges noted on Google

Le meilleur restaurant asiatique de Compiègne ! Nous avons pris à emporter (possibilité de commander sur Internet en Click & Collect) et le rapport prix est imbattable. Les plats sont faits à base de produits frais et de qualité et ça se ressent. (Translated by Google) The best Asian restaurant in Compiègne! We took takeaway (possibility of ordering on the Internet via Click & Collect) and the price ratio is unbeatable. The dishes are made with fresh, quality products and it shows.

2 months ago
Anne marie Christ noted on Google

Super resto, tout est très bon et très frais. (Translated by Google) Great restaurant, everything is very good and very fresh.

2 months ago
Tymothé Bertrand noted on Google

2 months ago
prisca noted on Google

Très bon restaurant. Attractif, avec un service agréable et rapide. À refaire (Translated by Google) Very good restaurant. Attractive, with pleasant and fast service. To do again

2 months ago
jeisson vasquez noted on Google

C'est simplement magnifique! (Translated by Google) It's simply magnificent!

2 months ago
Andreas MAJEWSKI noted on Google

Je viens depuis maintenant plusieurs années ici et je n'ai jamais été déçu. Le concept est vraiment sympa et les aliments sont très bons. Le personnel est très sympathique et l'ambiance est chouette ! Je recommande ! (Translated by Google) I have been coming here for several years now and have never been disappointed. The concept is really nice and the food is very good. The staff is very friendly and the atmosphere is great! I recommend !

2 months ago
viking25c noted on Google

Trop souvent la même chose qui tourne en sushis Personnel sympathique Musique trop forte (Translated by Google) Too often the same thing that turns into sushi Friendly staff Music too loud

3 months ago
Melle LLiLLo noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very nice home. Arrived at 9 p.m. and still plenty of choice. Otherwise just ask 😁. (Original) Très bon accueil. Arrivés à 21h et encore beaucoup de choix. Sinon il suffit de demander 😁.

3 months ago
Samathay amandine.dupont08 noted on Google

3 months ago

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